What You Can Do!

National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) said it best, “This is an unprecedented and pivotal moment for America’s national parks and we need your help.” Here are some ways to help now! If you have additional ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact us as we look to keep this up to date and add more information. Thanks!

  1. Sign a petition

    The NPCA currently has 5 active petitions:

    1. Protect Our National Park Service Staff

    2. Protect Our National Monuments From Oil, Gas and Mining

    3. Congress: Our parks are worth fighting for!

    4. Congress: Aid the Park Service in managing historic and cultural resources

    5. Support the Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act

2. Call/Email Your Elected Officials

Quick Guide: To find your elected officials, you can use the following link https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials

Send an email to both your home state and the state of your favorite National Park. Let them know that you care! Below is a template that you can use:

I am writing to you today as a concerned constituent to express my storng support and presevation of our National Parks, particularly those here in [STATE]. I am concered about how the federal hiring freeze and layoffs will affect National Parks in both the near future and over the next four years. I am uringing you to take action to ensure that National Parks are not affected. These parks are invaluable assets that contribute to our state’s economy, environment, and quality of life.

[STATE]’s National parks, such as [NAME OF A NATIONAL PARK IN THAT STATE], provide unparalleled opportunities for recreation, tourism, and connection with nature. Without adequate staffing, National Parks will be in disarray, if they are even open at all.If your National Parks do not have the necessary resources to maintain safe operations, it will be a miserable and dangerous experience for many tourists.

Many are reconsidering trips they palnned due o the lack of staffing. Our state’s economy will suffere from this tourism loss. It will be devestating for many businesses and families in your state that rely on toruists for their livelihood. Our Naitonal Parks are treasures that deserve our utmost protection.

3. Donate to Conservation Groups

We will do our best to keep this list up to date:

National Park Service

National Park Foundation

National Parks Conservation Association

National Forest Foundation

Support trail maintenance groups. If you have a favorite, email us and we will add them to this list!

4. Volunteer

Many parks rely on volunteers and with the current hiring freeze and staffing cuts, additional volunteer positions may be posted. Keep an eye out on the National Park Service Website for opportunities!

5. Always be a Junior Ranger

Leave no trace! As the parks may have limited support, please be extra curious and responsible of your impact on the environment.